
Analysis, design, and development consulting services are available for a wide range of technologies including web-based, multi-platform desktop, and mobile appliance applications. Specializing in quick turnaround proof of concept development when time is of the essence.


Simplicity: Except in rare cases, technology should not be used for the sake of technology. When two tin cans and a string will do the job with the desired reliability, then that should be the solution.

Reliability: Solutions must work - over and over again. At age 25, I shook the hand of a test pilot who would be flying my software. That pretty much set the bar for the rest of my career.

Service: You deserve quality service and value. Period.


The following are some recent examples of consulting services provided.

PalmOS-based Remote Control for Industrial Equipment

(disclosure request pending)

PocketPC-based Asset Management Application with Integrated Barcode Reader

(disclosure request pending)

eCommerce Site - The Toy Chest

Organizational Web Site - Chesapeake Region Porsche Club of America

Corporate Web Site - ReliaSource Technical Services
